Wednesday 14 August 2013

Back to Basics

Back to Basics

In today’s world with the increasing social fashion quotient stepping into a mall or a new fashion store is the new IT thing!!!! The never exhausting variety types of clothes, accessories and cosmetics coming into the market at times get me so baffled that I start losing touch with my basics. Me and my bestie had been to a recently opened store in my street. All that’s needed is for one girl to step there and the whole avenue knows about the store in few days. So hearing about it through all this grapevine we decided to pay a visit.

Turned out to be a really cute boutique of bags, accessories and not some giant store .Significant amount of turnout for something this new. The bags seemed really cute.I really liked one too but really slipped my mind as to what kind of bag it was.Asked a store girl there. So the second I got home there I was looking for the types of bags and here is a refresh for u too..njoy  ;)

Hope this was useful.......

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