About Me

About Me AKA....MIRAGE

Sometimes, I wish this page gets updated real-time, every moment an experience changes my perceptions and the way I see the world. How wonderful would it be, if I were to wake up one day and see clearly, this dynamic Me, bundled over countless lives of experiences, inside and outside me. 
I am Mirage. I hail from this world :)

I discovered the fascinating world of Internet, when I opened my eyes to see the possibility of appreciating the incredible diversity of life, through this medium, in every waking moment of my life.  

I like to think of Web as the grand de-institutionalizing force which facilitates the transformation of human potential, trampled so far by the hoary institutions of the past.I know too much to grasp...

However, as I began exploring it further, I could also see its subversion, with the human mind's insatiable appetite for stimulation and distraction. The explosion of information, which we so eagerly waited to liberate us, extricated itself from significance. The Cyber Utopian's dream of a world without hierarchy, as I looked around, turned out to be a fool's paradise 

As I walked along the road further, I could never imagine this incredible web of hyper-links leading me to learn and appreciateit all.

What do I do?
I am quite excited to work  in the domain of Technology, in the nick of time, as it reinvents  itself in the networked world, unburdened from its glorious  rise and ignominious fall, the latter epitomized in itself.My life goes travelling between here my place in Denmark to my sweety in India to my BBF in Canada...n before I knw the yr comes to an end..<3

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